10 TIPS FOR A CLEAN HOME | Manchester Township NJ
– Hi guys, welcome back to my channel. In today's video I'm going to be sharing with you my top 10 tips on how to keep a clean home. These are habits that I do to make my house look clean and organized. It's very difficult to keep it clean with young children. I have three boys under the age of six so sometimes as I'm cleaning it feels like they're literally behind me, messing up my good work. But there are 10 things that I do that I think keep my house looking clean and organized. So I'm gonna share them with you today. If you're new to my channel as well, I would love you to subscribe and stick around. I post three videos a week and yeah I hope you like these tips. Please add any of your own tips in the comments below.
I swear my viewers have the best ideas but anyway, enough from me. Let's get into it. So my first tip is a really quick and easy one but it is so effective and it is to make your bed every morning.
Just by taking a couple of minutes to make your bed, can make your whole room look so much cleaner. After I get ready in the morning, I will just run around and make the kids' beds as well 'cause they're still a little bit young and it just makes the whole upstairs look tidy. My next tip is to fold clothes in the Marie Kondo way of folding. I recently read her book which is called The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up and it inspired me to reorganize all of my clothes like this. So you basically refold your clothes in these little parcels and then you line them up in your drawer and it makes finding things so much easier and quicker especially for my children. They can just open a drawer and find what they want to wear easily without taking every item of clothes out. It's also really space saving because that drawer was full but now I have extra space and with smaller items I like to buy these little containers from the pound shop and then put the smaller items in that. So I Marie Kondo'd even his pants and then I've got his socks and his school socks and his accessories. And I've gone that little bit further as well and actually labeled all of my little containers and drawers.
This makes life so much more organized.
My next tip is to invest in some clever storage solutions around your house and if you have any problem areas with things building up, it is to find a clever solution for that. This is the boy's toy storage. I also had a problem with all of our plastic cups so I got these little baskets from Poundland and although it still looks a bit disorganized it is honestly so much more organized.
I also had an issue with just shoes building up at the front door every day and it would drive me crazy. So I actually got a carpenter to build us an under the stairs storage unit like this which just slides out. It was dead space we didn't use anyway and it is the best money I've ever spent. It just hides all of the shoes and it makes me so, so happy. I also had a problem with towels because we have a very small family bathroom for five of us but now I have hooks on the back of the door. One for each boy so everyone knows whose towel is whose and it's just been really, really good to find solutions like this. While it's great to have good storage it is also really important to minimalize your things every six months or so. I like to take out all of my clothes at the change of every season and just go through what I want to keep and what I want to throw or give to charity. If I haven't worn it for six to 12 months it is time to say goodbye because I'm obviously not gonna use it and I also regularly do this with my makeup and also with the kids' toys because it really builds up. My next tip is to have clear counters and that may seem like a very obvious tip but I think it's worth saying because it makes such a difference. It's a bit like making your bed to make your room feel clean. If I ever have people coming 'round I will concentrate on putting everything away. I even have places for bigger appliances to go and then just wipe down the counters and once that's done I feel like my entire kitchen just looks so much cleaner and same goes for bedroom surfaces as well. If everything is off of the surfaces it just looks so tight. If I'm ever doing a deeper clean I like to clean from the top down so I would dust from the highest point that I need to dust from. Then clean all of the surfaces and then finally do the floor. There is no point in doing the floor if you are then going to put dust on it from cleaning the surfaces. With bigger tasks I like to break it up and do a little bit a day. If you've followed my channel for awhile you'll know that I love a routine and my cleaning routine for laundry is to put on a load every morning, dry it every afternoon and then fold it and put it away every evening. I find this is so much easier than doing a dozen loads at the weekend. My next tip may seem a little bit strange but it honestly motivates me so much to clean and that is to invest in nice and clever cleaning products. I used to hate hoovering but now that I have this very lightweight hoover which is a Dyson V6 I look forward to hoovering, as sad as that sounds.
I also got a really clever dishwasher product where you just put the washing liquid into the handle of it and then it's much easier to wash dishes and I really enjoy using it and I also have this amazing mop. I know loads of my viewers have already bought this because it's in my cleaning routines but I love it. All you have to do is fill it up with the liquid and then you can spray it around your floor and clean your floors really, really quick and easily. And it's kind of fun to use. Even my kids want to try it out. So I think by buying and investing in a few cool products like this it will really make you want to clean more. It's a bit like getting new gym gear so that you work out more. My next tip is don't sit down. At the end of the day, once your kids are in bed and you're really tired, don't sit down until you've done everything that you wanna do for the next day. In our house we like to get everything done before we go up to bed because it's so nice to come down to a clean house. So as I'm making dinner I will get jobs done like make lunches or snacks for the kids.
I'll do all of the dishes before we actually eat dinner because it's just so much easier to get it all done then. We just know that once we sit down on that couch and our tummies are full and the TV is on, we will not be getting up and doing anything else. So sometimes our dinners eat a little bit colder just because we want to get everything clean and done before we sit down and the last that I always do at the end of the day is to put on the dishwasher and then it's so nice in the morning when you come down to a clean house. And my last tip is to get help and delegate. My little boys love to help me even though they are so young they'll help me empty the dishwasher and also tidy up their toys at the end of the day. It's also great to give your partner some jobs, maybe they're in charge of laundry or helping you out with the dishes. If you cook, they wash et cetera and if you have the budget and you hate cleaning, why not get a cleaner? If it helps you out and it's something you don't enjoy doing then it's worth the money. Right, so that is it for this video. I really hope you enjoyed my tips. Please let me know what you think in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe if you're new. I post three videos a week and I would to have you as a viewer and yes, thanks so much for watching and I'll see you soon, bye. hi guys welcome back to my channel in today's video I'm going to be sharing with you my top 10 tips on how to keep a clean home these are habits that I do to make my house look clean and organized it's very difficult to keep it clean with young children I have three boys under the age of six so sometimes as I'm cleaning it feels like they're literally behind me messing up my good work but there are ten things I do that I think keep my house looking clean and organized so I'm going to share them with you today if you're new to my channel as well I would love you to subscribe and stick around I post three videos a week and yeah I hope you like these tips please add any of your own tips in the comments below I swear my viewers have the best ideas but anyway enough for me let's get into it so my first tip is a really quick and easy one but it is so effective and it is to make your bed every morning just by taking a couple of minutes to make your bed can make your whole room looks so much cleaner after I get ready in the morning I will just run around and make the kids beds as well cuz there's still a little bit young and it just makes the whole upstairs look tidy my next tip is to fold clothes in the married condo way of folding I recently read her book which is called the life-changing magic of tidying up and it inspired me to reorganize all of my clothes like this so you basically refold your clothes in these little parcels and then you line them up in your drawer and it makes finding things so much easier and quicker especially for my children they can just open a drawer and find what they want to wear easily without taking every item of clothes out it's also really space-saving because that drawer was full but now I have extra space and with smaller items I like to buy these little containers from the pound shop and then put the smaller items in that so I have married condo even his pants and then I've got his socks and his school socks and his accessories and I've gone that little bit further as well and actually labeled all of my little containers and drawers this makes life so much more organized my next tip is to invest in some clever storage solutions around your house and if you have any problem areas with things building up it is to find a clever solution for that this is the boys toy storage I also had a problem with all of our plastic cups so I got these little baskets from Poundland and although it still looks bit disorganized it is honestly so much more organized I also had an issue with just shoes building up at the front door every day and it would drive me crazy so I actually got a carpenter to build us and under the stairs storage unit like this which just slides out it was dead space we didn't use anyway and it is the best money I've ever spent it just hides all of the shoes and it makes me so so happy I also had a problem with towels because we have a very small family bathroom for five of us but now I have hooks on the back of the door one for each boy so everyone knows who's towel is whose and it's just been really really good to find solutions like this while it's great to have good storage it is also really important to minimalize your things every six months or so I like to take out all of my clothes at the change of every season and just go through what I want to keep and what I want to throw or give to charity if I haven't worn it for six to twelve months it is time to say goodbye because I'm obviously not going to use it and I also regularly do this with my makeup and also with the kids toys because it really builds up my next tip is to have clear counters and that may seem like a very obvious tip but I think it's worth saying because it makes such a difference it's a bit like making your bed to make your room feel clean if I ever have people coming round I will concentrate on putting everything away I even have places for it bigger appliances to go and then just wipe down the counters and once that Sun I feel like my entire kitchen just looks so much cleaner and same goes for bedroom surfaces as well if everything is off of the surfaces it just looks so tight if I'm ever doing a deeper clean I like to clean from the top down so I will dust from the highest point that I need to dust from then clean all the surfaces and then finally do the floor there is no point in doing the floor if you are then going to put dust on it from cleaning the surfaces with bigger tasks I like to break it up and do a little bit a day if you followed my channel for a while you'll know that I love a routine and my cleaning routine for laundry is to put on a load every morning dry it every afternoon and then fold it and put it away every evening I find this is so much easier than doing a dozen loads at the weekend my next tip may seem a little bit strange but it honestly motivates me so much to clean and that is to invest in like nice and clever cleaning products I used to hate hoovering but now that I have this very lightweight Hoover which is a dyson v-6 I look forward to hoovering as sad as that sounds I also got a really clever dishwasher product where you just put the washing liquid into the handle of it and then it's much easier to wash dishes and I really enjoy using it and I also have this amazing mop I know loads of my viewers have already bought this because it's in my cleaning routines but I love it all you have to do is fill it up with a liquid and then you can spray it around your floor and clean your floor's really really quick and easily and it's kind of fun to use like even my kids want to try it out so I think by buying and investing in a few cool like products like this it will really make you want to clean more it's a bit like getting new gym gear so that you work out more my next tip is don't sit down at the end of the day once your kids are in bed and you're really tired don't sit down until you've done everything that you want to do for the next day in our house we'd like to get everything done before we go up to bed because it's so nice to come down to a clean house so as I'm making dinner I will get jobs done like make lunches or snacks for the kids I'll do all of the dishes before we actually eat dinner because it's just so much easier to get it all done then we just know that once we sit down on that couch and our tummies are full and the TV is on we will not be getting up and doing anything else so sometimes our dinners a little bit colder just because we want to get everything clean and done before we sit down and the last thing that I always do at the end of the day is to put on the dishwasher and then it's so nice in the morning when you come down to a clean house and my last tip is to get help and delegate my little boys love to help me even though they are so young they'll help me empty the dishwasher and also tidy up their toys at the end of the day it's also great to give your partner some jobs maybe they're in charge of laundry or helping you out with the dishes if you cook they wash etc and if you have the budget and you hate cleaning why not get a cleaner if it helps you out and it's something you don't enjoy doing then it's worth the money right so that is it for this video I really hope you enjoyed my tips please let me know what you think in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe if you're new I post 3 videos a week and I would love to have you as a viewer and yes thanks so much for watching and I'll see you soon bye
Source : Youtube